Call for applications for the Erasmus+ Mobile 22 scholarship of University of Porto, Portugal

Call for applications for the Erasmus+ Mobile 22 scholarship of University of Porto, Portugal


- This scholarship is for students, academic and administrative staff

 - Applications are available online via the following link:

- The academic offer is available via the following link:

Application file for the Hungarian scholarship for the academic year 2023-2024

Application file for the Hungarian scholarship for the academic year 2023-2024



- Students, who have already applied via the Hungarian scholarship platform   are invited to submit their application files (paper version + electronic version) at the level of their departments / faculties .

Erasmus + Mobility Grant of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași , Romania

Erasmus + Mobility Grant of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași , Romania

" Staff Mobility for Teaching "

Call for applications open until January 15, 2023


- Application file in English:

Call for applications for vacant positions in the African Union


Call for applications for vacant positions in the African Union







Location / Contry


 Interpreter-portuguese (P-4)

Call for applications for the SPANISH LANGUAGE WINTER SCHOOL 2023 in Gran Canaria, Spain


Call for applications for the SPANISH LANGUAGE WINTER SCHOOL 2023 in Gran Canaria, Spain



- The SPANISH LANGUAGE WINTER SCHOOL 2023, face to face in Gran Canaria will be held from 9th-27th January 2023.

- Link for applications:


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