University of Guelma 8 May 1945 Organizes a National Symposium entitled: "The massacres of 8 May 1945 in Guelma - context, facts and impacts" Monday may 8, 2023

In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Independence Day 05 July 1962/2023, the National Day of Memory and the 78th anniversary of the 8 May 1945 massacres, University of Guelma 8 May 1945 Organizes a National Symposium entitled:

"The massacres of 8 May 1945 in Guelma - context, facts and impacts"

Islamic Development Bank Scholarship Programme

Islamic Development Bank Scholarship Programme

for the academic year 2023-2024


- This program is intended for doctoral students and researchers, as well as post-docs in the field of advanced technologies

- Applications are submitted via the following link:

- Deadline: April 30, 2023

- More information

Erasmus + Mobility Grant from Bialystok University of Technology, Poland

Erasmus + Mobility Grant from Bialystok University of Technology, Poland

 Call for applications open until June 08, 2023


- Students Category: For students enrolled in 1st  year Master

- Specialties concerned: Engineering

Scholarship offer in Romania


Scholarship offer in Romania



- The Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism in Romania announces the start of the procedures for selecting files for the award of 40 scholarships in Romania for foreign students to study in Romania, starting from the academic year 2023-2024

- All information about this offer in addition to the required documents are available through the following link:

Scholarship offer from Maulana Malik Ibrahim University in Indonesia

  Scholarship offer from Maulana Malik Ibrahim University in Indonesia


- Maulana Malik Ibrahim University in Indonesia has announced the International Scholarship Program 2023 for international students in the three cycles of Bachelor, Master and Doctorate. This program covers all tuition of studies and accommodation costs for the student, in addition to one year of Indonesian language training.


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