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University 8 May 1945 Guelma Algeria has participated in the International Web Conference on Changes in Cooperation and Higher Education 2020 (CHEC 2020).
International Web Conference on Changes in
Cooperation and Higher Education 2020 (CHEC 2020)
University 8 May 1945 Guelma Algeria has participated in the International Web Conference on Changes in Cooperation and Higher Education 2020 (CHEC 2020)
organized by Bialystok University of Technology, Poland, on Tuesday-Wednesday, June 9-10, 2020.
- Detailed programme, information about speakers and their universities (Expo zone) are at website
- CHEC 2020 has taken place online on the platform of Microsoft Teams. Please find below links to all sessions:
Tuesday 9th June 2020
9:00 – 12:00 (GMT) Session 1
11:00 – 14.00 (Polish time) Distance learning in current circumstances and impact of online education on future students outcomes.
To listen/download the presentations
13:00 – 16:00 (GMT) Session 2
15:00 – 18.00 (Polish time) Challenges of higher education institutions in this difficult period
To listen/download the presentations
Wednesday, 10th June 2020
9:00 – 12:00 (GMT) Session 3
11:00 – 14.00 (Polish time) International cooperation in the nearest future
To listen/download the presentations
13:00 – 14:00 (GMT) Session 4
15:00 – 16.00 (Polish time) Conference summary and closing remarks
To listen/download the presentations