Master Information and Communication Scholarships, specialty: Digital and Editorial Communication Promotion 1 (2019-2020) Deadline: 31/10/2019

Master Information and Communication Scholarships, specialty: Digital and Editorial Communication Promotion 1 (2019-2020)

Deadline: 31/10/2019

Scholarship program of the year 2019 of the Master Information and Communication, specialty Digital and Editorial Communication supported by the University Agency of la Francophonie (AUF) whose diploma is awarded by the University of Toulon (France).

Scientific Cooperation Algeria-Japan (SATREPS Project) SATREPS: Partnership in Scientific and Technological Research for Sustainable Development

Scientific Cooperation Algeria-Japan (SATREPS Project)

SATREPS: Partnership in Scientific and Technological Research for Sustainable Development



Application form

Cooperation for Development Program planned by the Korean International Cooperation Agency for the year 2021 Deadline: October 26, 2019

Cooperation for Development Program planned by the Korean International Cooperation Agency for the year 2021

Deadline: October 26, 2019


Application form

Call for application for the King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein Prize for Creativity Deadline: January 31, 2020

Call for application for the King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein Prize for Creativity

Deadline: January 31, 2020



Documents related to the prize

Call for applications for a training session on statistical processing and data analysis with Logiciel R From 6 to 9 Octobre 2019 at the Algiers French speaking Digital Campus

A training session on statistical processing and data analysis with Logiciel R addressed to teachers, PhD students and anyone wishing to learn statistical analysis using the "R" software will be organized from 6 to 9 Octobre 2019, at the French speaking digital campus in Algiers.

To apply :


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