Call for Projects 2021 PHC Maghreb

Call for Projects 2021 PHC Maghreb


MESRS Correspondance

PHC Maghreb 2021


Electronic voting for Algerian projects nominated in the 5th edition of the World Summit on the Information Society 2020 Awards

Electronic voting for Algerian projects nominated in the 5th edition of the World Summit on the Information Society 2020 Awards

More information

Call for application for the UNESCO Carlos J. Finlay Prize for Microbiology Deadline: February 10, 2020

Call for application for the UNESCO Carlos J. Finlay Prize for Microbiology

Deadline: February 10, 2020


For more information, please visit the following link:

Calls for applications for AUF training

Calls for applications for AUF training

Web 2.0: Mastery of research tools and access to scientific documentation

Location: francophone digital campus, Algiers

From: 02/09/2020 to 02/11/2020

Creation of scientific documents (Memoirs, reports, articles, presentations, etc.) with LateX

Location: francophone digital campus, Algiers

From: 02/25/2020 to 02/27/2020

New English Master Programmes at Ondokuz Mayis University - Turkey.

New English Master Programmes at Ondokuz Mayis University - Turkey.

1. The Erasmus Mundus Master in Soil Science (emiSS)

2. Master Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Link to application:  




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