Online training offered by the Maghreb Regional Directorate of AUF


Online training offered by the Maghreb Regional Directorate of AUF


Training dates from June 18 to July 23, 2021

Link to apply:


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AUF COVID-19.2 international call for projects


The University Agency of Francophonie (AUF) is launching a second COVID-19 call for teams of young researchers carrying out projects for the benefit of countries in the South. This new appeal is endowed with an exceptional fund of one million euros

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Scholarship offer from Three Indonesian Universities

Scholarship offer from Three Indonesian Universities



For more information, please download this document: Three Indonesian Universities


Algerian-Japanese cooperation

Algerian-Japanese cooperation


The Japanese Embassy in Algiers has just sent us the final list of technical cooperation programs as well as the form required by the Japanese government for possible technical cooperation between the Algerian and Japanese governments through the intermediary of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

MESRS correspondence

Erasmus + Mobility Grant KA 107 with the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Czech Republic

Erasmus + Mobility Grant KA 107 with the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Czech Republic

Call for applications open until June 17, 2021


Student Category: is addressing to students enrolled in 1st year Master and PhD students

Concerned Students: Students of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Engineering - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, Earth Sciences and Universe


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