Call for applications for external evaluators


As part of the management and evaluation of the Erasmus + project - CBHE - "Modernization of language teaching in the language centers of Algerian universities" (EL @ N), a notice of a call for applications for the selection an external evaluator is launched.

Erasmus + Mobility Grant KA 107 with the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Spain

Erasmus + Mobility Grant KA 107 with the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Spain 

Call for applications open until November 25, 2021


1- Students Category: Addressing to students enrolled in 1st year Master and Doctorate

- Concerned Specialties: Engineering - Environmental Sciences

- Application file in electronic version (original documents + their translation into English):

Virtual meeting on the quality physical education materials

Virtual meeting on the quality physical education materials

On October 14, 2021

The UNESCO Office invites the concerned on the issue of physical education quality to participate in the activities of this remote meeting by registering via the following link:


" MENA Scholarship Programme (MSP) "

" MENA Scholarship Programme (MSP) "

Offer of scholarships from the Embassy of the Netherlands in Algiers for the benefit of Algerian professionals



Candidacy :

India-Africa Hackathon

The Indian Ministry of Education will organize an India-Africa Hackathon with African countries in October during the celebration of the 75th year of India’s independence.

This event promotes sustainable development through information and encourages entrepreneurial and innovative culture within universities.


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