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Call for International Mobility of the Campus Mare Nostrum (CMN) of the University of Murcia Deadline for applicant submission, either on paper or through the electronic registry of the University of Murcia: 1st May 2019

Call for International Mobility of the Campus Mare Nostrum (CMN) of the University of Murcia "Call for grants to attract young foreign researchers in the framework CMN to the V Doctoral Conference of the International School of Doctorate of the University of Murcia", which will take place on 29, 30 and 31 May 2019:
Summary of requirements:
- Being registered in the academic year 2018/2019 at a foreign university as a doctoral student.
- Having at least B1 level of Spanish or English.
- Presenting before April 30th through the platform of the Doctoral conferences, the summary of the project.
- Having registered online as an external user and paid the registration fee through the following e-mail address:
Documentation to be sent together with the application:
1. Certificate of enrolment in a doctoral programme at the home university in the current academic year 2018/2019.
2. Academic record of the level of studies that gave access to the doctorate. (See call for applications)
3. Certification of the director of the thesis about the link between the project to be presented and the doctoral thesis being developed by the researcher.
4. Photocopy of ID/NIE, passport or foreign document.
5. Receipt corresponding to the payment of the registration fees for the conferences.
6. Official certification of knowledge of the level required in the call for the Spanish or English language.
7. Proof of having presented the project in Spanish or English through the conference platform set up for this purpose.
Further info about the Conference Submission: